If you want to purchase embroidered uniform with the school logo, please contact 'My Clothing'. They are now ready to accept orders for uniform with the new logo. Please click on the link below.
Uniform with the old logo can still be worn until you are ready to replace it.
Book bags are also available from 'My Clothing'.
- White polo shirt or blouse
- Black skirts, trousers (not leggings), school shorts or pinafore dresses
- Green checked summer dress
- Emerald green cardigan or sweatshirt
- White socks or black tights
Make up and nail varnish are not part of the school uniform expectations and therefore should not be worn.
- White polo shirt or shirt
- Black trousers or school shorts
- Emerald green sweatshirt
- White or black socks
Footwear - must be sensible and black (no sandals/flip flops/coloured trainers/Crocs)
For heath and safety reasons, all children need a change of clothes and footwear for PE lessons.
PE Kit:
- White T-shirt or polo shirt
- Black plain sports shorts
- Black plain sweatshirt or hoody
- Black plain jogging bottoms
- Plain trainers
Jewellery- children may wear a watch and small stud/sleeper earrings. All earrings must be removed for PE lessons. If your child cannot remove and put in their earrings unaided at school, please can you ensure that earrings are not worn on PE days. Thank you.
Please label all uniform, packed lunch boxes, book bags and coats. This is especially important with over 100 emerald green sweatshirts in school! If they are not labelled it is very difficult to return them to their owner!
Uniform can be purchased from :-
My Clothing (formerly Tesco's uniform) - Click the link below.