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Keyworker Childcare Access

I am writing to reiterate the importance of government guidance which states that you should send your child to school only if you have to, because your work is critical to the COVID19 response. If you are able to keep your child at home, you should. This is for their safety and yours.


If you are at home, working from home or off work, or you have a relative that can care for your child, then you must make arrangements for the care of your child and you should not send them to school.


Last night, the country was effectively put into lockdown by the Prime Minister to prevent people contracting the virus and to support the NHS in dealing with this crisis. The staff in school that are caring for your child are willingly putting themselves at considerable risk because they believe it is their social responsibility to support key workers who are critical to the country’s response to COVID19. It is my job to ensure that they, and the children accessing the provision, are protected as far as possible from the virus; this includes limiting the number of people on site at any one time. 


If, as a keyworker, you are able to make provision for your child to be at home you must do so in order to reduce the risks to everyone involved: you, your child, school staff and the wider society.


If you have any further queries or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
