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Christmas Dinner

I am delighted to announce that the traditional Christmas dinner will be served on Thursday 17th December!


Main Course Vegetarian Option

Roast turkey & stuffing


Roast potatoes

Mashed potatoes

Sliced carrots

Brussel sprouts



Quorn roast & stuffing (V)

Quorn sausages (V)

Roast potatoes

Mashed potatoes

Sliced carrots

Brussel sprouts

Gravy (V)


Dessert Dessert
Christmas cookie Christmas cookie


  • As part of the Universal Free School Meals provisionReception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be provided with a Christmas dinner. 
  • If you are entitled to means-tested/benefit-related Free School Meals provision, your child will be provided with a Christmas dinner. 
  • If you wish to pay for a Christmas dinner, the cost is £2.30.
  • You may, of course, still provide your child with a packed lunch if you wish to do so.  


A letter will be sent home today and there is a slip for you to fill in. Please return the slip by Friday 27th November.

