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School Reopening Update

Dear Parents & Carers,


Following last week’s letter about our phased reopening, I would like to share some further information.


From Monday 8th June, we welcome back the F1 children from Cygnus class.  Their sessions are 9:00am – 12:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We have been in touch with families who have already confirmed they would like a school place.


From Monday 15th June, we will also welcome back the F2 and Y1 children from families who have confirmed a school place. The Year 1 sessions are 9:30am – 12:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The F2 sessions are 9:15am – 12:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


Our school will be closed for deep cleaning every Wednesday in order to maintain the highest standards of health and safety.


Our school continues to be open for key worker provision from 8:45am -3:30pm. As throughout the closure, and in line with government guidance, this group must be prioritised. Any new key worker children places must be applied for via the application form. This is available from our office:


Our teachers will continue to provide online work via MS Teams, Class Dojo and the school website for all pupils who are working from home.


School will be a very different environment…our children and staff will need time and space to adjust to this very different way of working in our school building. The following are some of the safety measures that we have put in place for the phased reopening of our school:


  • Designated points for drop off and collection. Staff will be available to help.

  • Signage will remind children, staff and any essential visitors about social distancing guidelines.

  • There are staggered start and end times to each ‘bubbles’ session.

  • Parents will not be allowed to go into the school building. Please email or phone the school office if you have any questions.

  • Pupils who are clinically extremely vulnerable should not attend school at this time. Parents are advised to seek medical advice before their child attends school.

  • Playtimes will be staggered and take place in zones: children will not mix between ‘bubbles’ and will enter or exit the building at different times to minimise contact.

  • Children should not bring anything onto the site apart from their water bottle. This should be clearly labelled. (No book bags, pencils cases, rucksacks etc)

  • All children will keep their own resources and books on their tables. We will not be sending reading books or homework home at this time.

  • Children do not need to wear school uniform. However, we ask that they wear clean clothes that are changed each day.

  • Children will be asked to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser. This will be on entry to the school building and at several key times throughout the day.

  • All children will have lessons on basic hygiene to remind them of the key government messages e.g. keeping 2 metres apart, hand washing and using a tissue for sneezes. Each child will have their own box of tissues.

  • Children and staff will remain in ‘bubbles’ in their own classroom zone to limit contact across the building.

  • Each ‘bubble’ will access to their own toilets. Toilets will be cleaned regularly throughout the day day. Hard surfaces in the classroom will also be cleaned throughout the day.

  • Tables will be distanced 2 metres apart in each classroom. Due to the size of our classrooms, this limits the bubble capacity to 10 children. Windows and internal doors will be open to ensure rooms are well ventilated.

  •  In early years and KS1, we have removed some resources such as soft toys, sand and water trays. Resources will be cleaned at the end of each day and will not be shared across ‘bubbles’.

  • If a child shows any symptoms of Covid-19 (new continuous cough, high temperature, loss of smell

  • or taste) they will be isolated in the PPA/Medical Room until collected. An adult will supervise them

from a 2 metre distance until they are collected from school.


For everyone’s safety, we ask that our families adhere to social distancing rules if their child is attending school. Families that are not following the government’s social distancing guidelines will not be allowed to use the provision for 14 days until the risk of infection has passed.


If you have currently declined a place but then decide that you would like your child in F1, F2 or Year 1 to return to school, please do not just turn up on the day. Our ‘bubbles’ are made up of 10 children and we may not have the capacity to accommodate your child in that ‘bubble’. Please contact the school office and we will advise you if a space is available.


Again, we understand the anxieties around children returning to school and we will support whichever choice you may make. Families will not be penalised if their child does not attend school during the phased reopening. We will keep you updated as we continue to review the situation based on government updates and our risk assessments.


Best wishes…and stay safe,


Mrs H-S
