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School Reopening Update Letter

Dear Parents & Carers,


As promised, we have continued to review our current provision in line with the government updates. We have had a growing number of foundation stage (F1 and F2) children return to school this week. This means that our Foundation stage bubbles are at their maximum capacity and are now full. There will be no further F1 or F2 places available this term. However, for the F2 children who already have a confirmed place, we will be able to extend our provision to full day for the last two weeks of term.


From Monday 13th July, we will also welcome back the Y2 children to their Aquila Class bubble. We have already confirmed a school place for those children. This now means that our Aquila Class (Y1/2) bubble is at maximum capacity and is now full.


F1 - Cygnus Class:    Mornings only 9:00am – 12:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

F2 -  Cygnus Class:   All day 9:00am – 3:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Y1 - Aquila Class:     All day 9:15am – 3:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Y2 - Aquila Class:   All day 9:15am – 3:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


As we now have a larger number of children entering the school site, it vital is that we maintain the staggered start and end times of the sessions. Children can be dropped off and collected at the school gate where they will be supervised by a member of staff. Please ensure that you keep to these times so that we can maintain social distancing guidelines.


Our school will continue to close for deep cleaning on Wednesday in order to maintain the highest standards of health and safety.


The school continues to be open for key worker provision from 8:45am -3:30pm. As throughout the closure, and in line with government guidance, this group must be prioritised. Any new key worker children places must be applied for via the application form. This is available from our office:


As part of the Universal Free School meals provision, any F2, Year 1 or Year 2 attending school all day in the last two weeks will be provided with a packed lunch. If you wish to provide your own lunch, it will need be packed in a disposable bag rather than a lunch box.


The government recently announced that primary schools will reopen fully in September. We are really looking forward to having the children back. At the moment, all schools are planning what this may look like based on their individual circumstances. I will keep you updated as we continue to review the situation based on risk assessments, government updates and SNMAT guidance.


Best wishes…and stay safe,

Mrs H-S
