SNMAT Reopening Update Letter
The following update, written by the CEO of SNMAT, has been sent out to our families on Class Dojo today. It can also be found in the 'Letters' section of the website:
Dear Parents and Carers,
You will probably be aware that, at the Downing Street briefing last night, the Prime Minister confirmed 1 June as the earliest date that primary schools can begin to re-open. This does not mean that schools will all open on this date and, indeed, a great many schools and local authorities across England have already signalled that this will not be the case. The Board of Directors for the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy Trust are currently considering the date that primary academies within SNMAT will further expand their current provision. I very much hope to be able to communicate this date with you in the near future. As ever, please be assured that the safety of children, staff and communities will be at the core of the directors’ decision making processes.
Yours faithfully,
Chris Moodie
Chief Executive Officer
Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham Multi Academy Trust (SNMAT)