Welcome Back!
Dear Parents & Carers,
Welcome back! The start of this new academic year is obviously very different to what we are used to as we continue to respond to the Covid-19 epidemic. We have continued to update our risk assessment based on the current situation, but the information in this letter will remain under review each week if, and when guidance changes. At the end of last term, I wrote a letter explaining our response to the Government guidance on the wider reopening of schools and how this would impact on daily routines. I hope this was useful in understanding how we planned to operate in September as all children returned to school.
Following last week’s revised Government guidance, this is what to expect as all children return to school tomorrow. Any plans are in line with current government guidance and may be subject to change at short notice. We will provide further updates each time any changes are made.
Timings: All children must return to school on Thursday 3rd September 2020. The gates will be open from 8:45am to allow a steady flow of children to enter. The school day starts in class at 9.00am promptly. School will finish at 3:30pm.
One Way System: We will operate a one-way system at the gate for arrivals and collections and this will be strictly enforced. Staff will be around to ensure you know exactly where to go and what to do. Parents & carers should drop their children off at the barrier and leave the site as soon as possible. The same applies in reverse for collections. There will be two entry points in the barriers.
Drop off and collection:
Cygnus Class and Columba Class will have a separate entry point on the barrier to the right-hand side of the building. Cygnus Class will enter the building by the Foundation Stage door and Columba Class will enter through the conservatory.
Delphinus Class and Aquila Class will enter through a separate entry point on the barrier to the left-hand side of the building. They will enter the building through the hall doors.
Access to the school site: Entry and exit to the playground and school site will be restricted to children only. Parents & carers cannot enter the school building and will need to drop their children off at the gates via the one-way system. We ask parents to be mindful of social distancing when waiting at the gates. Please observe social distancing when dropping off or collecting children; this includes leaving the site immediately. Any enquiries should be made via the school office by phone or email.
Bubbles: The children will be taught in their usual classrooms. Due to site restrictions, two larger bubbles will be made up by combining year groups:
Bubble 1 – Cygnus Class-Reception and Nursery
Bubble 2 – Columba Class, Delphinus Class and Aquila Class
Each bubble will have separate play areas, break and lunch arrangements. Staff
will be assigned to one bubble, wherever possible.
Lunch arrangements: Our school kitchen will initially be unable to serve hot lunches at the start of term. This will continue to be reviewed. However, we will be providing packed lunches:
- As part of the Universal Free School Meals provision, Reception, Year 1 or Year
2 children will be provided with a packed lunch.
- If you are entitled to means-tested/benefit-related Free School Meals
provision, your child will be provided with a packed lunch.
- Please contact the office if you wish to pay for a school packed lunch.
- If you wish to provide your own lunch, it can now be packed in your usual lunch
Enrichment activities: We will try to re-instate a small number of clubs, but it is likely they will be specific to each class and not open to all children. The number of children will be limited. Any activities will be socially distanced. Off-site visits are unlikely to happen until January 2021. School swimming for Year 4, 5 and 6 is expected to start in September in line with current guidance. Sports Coach tuition is expected to recommence in September and sports sessions will be socially distanced.
Assemblies: There will be no whole school assemblies until further notice. Assemblies will take place in classrooms instead. Our Friday celebration assembly will take place virtually via Teams. Larger gatherings or events such as class assemblies, Christmas and other productions are unlikely to go ahead under the current guidance
School uniform: uniform will return and be in line with our school policy.
Classroom provision: Children will be taught by their new class teacher in their own classrooms. Each bubble will access their own set of toilets. Where this is not possible, toilets will be cleaned at lunchtime as well as at the end of each day. Classrooms will be well-ventilated. Children will be seated facing forwards wherever possible. The government advice is to limit the amount of equipment brought into school by children to just essentials e.g. lunch boxes, coats and PE kits. Please can we refrain from bringing book bags, pencil cases or large bags.
Hygiene: Children and any essential visitors will be asked to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser on entry to the school building and at several key times throughout the day. All children will have lessons on basic hygiene to remind them of the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ and cover cough/sneeze messages. New pedal bins have been purchased and will be emptied regularly throughout the day; hard surfaces will be wiped down regularly with additional cleaning in place at lunchtime. Children do not need to bring their own hand sanitiser or tissues as they will be provided by the school. Face coverings are not necessary.
Enquiries: Any enquiries should be via the school office by phone or email
As always, our plans are made with the prime concern of ensuring the health and safety of all people on the school site. I trust you will be supportive of the measures we have put in place and ask you to ensure that you comply with these at all times please. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning!
Best wishes,
Mrs H-S