School Closures Update
Dear Parents & Carers,
I just wanted to reassure you that we are awaiting further clarification from the government following last night's announcement. There are still lots of unanswered questions for both schools and families.
At this time, there is no change to the guidance regarding our current provision. We will continue to provide care for the children of key workers who cannot be safely cared for at home. The message remains that it is still safer to stay at home.
Schools have not yet received any information to support us with the new plan to start the phased reopening of some year groups. We will receive further clarification shortly. Hopefully, this will detail how it is possible to social distance in schools and keep our children, staff and families safe.
Please be assured that we will not reopen until we are 100% sure that we have placed the well-being of the school community at the forefront of any changes. Until we have further clarification, we would ask you not to raise your child's hopes and expectations too high for a return to school on 1st June at this stage.
As always, we will keep you informed of any updates. Our plan is to continue to provide key worker childcare, online learning and support for our families in this difficult and uncertain time.
Best wishes...and stay safe,
Mrs H-S