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  • Our Staff 'Extreme Reading' Challenge!

    Fri 12 Mar 2021 Mrs H-S
    At Haggonfields Primary School, we want to foster a love of reading for pleasure. As part of our World Book day celebrations, our staff took part in an ‘Extreme Reading’ challenge. We asked our staff to take a photograph of where they read their favourite books when they are not in school. These photographs were shared with our children in today’s assembly.
  • World Book Day Winners!

    Fri 12 Mar 2021 Mrs H-S

    The staff chose their favourite World Book Day costume in each class. The winners received a copy of their class story book.

    The winners were:

    Cygnus Class – Luke as Woody

    Aquila Class – Isaac as Paddington Bear

    Delphinus Class – Ronnie as The Mad Hatter

    Columba Class – Ava as Mrs Trunchball

  • World Book Day

    Fri 12 Mar 2021 Mrs H-S

    We changed our World Book Day celebrations to Friday 12th March instead of the 5thMarch so that all of our children could enjoy the activities in school. Everyone looked amazing in their costumes. It has been a fabulous end to our first week back together!

  • Return to School

    Fri 05 Mar 2021 Mrs H-S

    We are looking forward to seeing all of our children back in school on Monday. A 'Return to School' letter has been sent out on Class Dojo and it is also on our website.


    School uniform should be worn...apart from on Friday when we are encouraging our children to dress up as characters for World Book Day!
